Maybe it’s the abundance of small venues accommodating free entry gigs or promoters like WVR and Freakz, that enables the East Sussex seaside town to develop a scene comparable to New Yorks late 70’s No Wave movement.
Column258 can count themselves as one the burgeoning scene’s protagonists. Their shows combine mischievous art-rock with a psychedelic atmosphere. Blending analogue and digital, blue note brass, Korgs, screaming vocoders and hypnotic guitars with inventive song cycles. Multi-vocal looping, poems written on the back of gas bills and electric pinecones, the band exemplifies the unexpected.
Column258’s live foundations are in warehouse parties, roof top gigs and art galleries. It’s only been over this last year they started playing more traditional rock venues resulting in tightly honed performances through years of playing but considered “new players” to promoters and gig goers alike.